Importance and Working of Reverse Laminar Air Flow (RLAF) in Pharmaceutical Industry
The Reverse Laminar Air Flow (RLAF) system is a type of laminar airflow system that is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for dispensing materials in a controlled environment. The system is designed to create a negative pressure environment that prevents particles and microorganisms from entering the workspace, ensuring that materials are dispensed in a safe and contamination-free environment. Working of Reverse Laminar Air Flow ( RLAF) The working of the RLAF system is based on the principles of laminar airflow, which involves the movement of air in a unidirectional flow to maintain a clean environment. In a traditional laminar airflow system, air is pushed from a clean area to an unclean area to prevent contamination. In contrast, the RLAF system draws contaminated air away from the clean environment, creating a negative pressure environment that keeps particles and microorganisms from entering the workspace. The RLAF system typically consists of a pre-filter, a High Eff...